104 Royal Palace Shibuya,
15-10 Uguisudani-cho,
Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0032
TC Kids Summer Creativity Camp 2018
Open to members and nonmembers with no registration fees
Nine weeks of TCKids Creative Arts Program
One day ¥8500.
During your child’s stay at our summer school we aim to provide a stimulating environment where your child’s creativity grows strong and opens up their confidence and happiness.
This year we offer nine weeks in which your child will use a wide range of materials and techniques and be introduced to many artists and environments of our world.
TC Kidsで過ごす9週間のサマープログラムでは様々な材料や技術を駆使しながら、世界中の多くのアーティストや環境を紹介していきます。TC Kidsの創造的で愛情を持った教師陣一同お子様の滞在中、絵画、ペイント、モールディング、ダンス、音楽、外遊びなどを通して自己表現への自信や幸福感、お子様の強い創造性を切り開く刺激的な環境を提供することを目標としています。
TC Kidsで一緒に楽しい夏の思い出を作ろう!
平日午前9時から午後2時まで。1日: ¥8,500/ 1週間: ¥40,000
Summer Creativity Camp Program
Week 1 July 9-July 13: The Circus / Picasso and Chagall
Week 3 July 23- July 27: The stories of Eric Carle / Matisse
Week 2 July 16-July 20: Music / Cy Twombly
Week 4 July 30-August 3: Landscapes and outdoor sketching / Monet and the Impressionists
Week 5 August 6-August 10: Oceans and Islands / Native arts
Week 6 August 13-August 17: Puppets / Klee
Week 7 August 20-August 24: Public art / Murals and Basquiat
Week 8 August 27-August 31: The City / Hundertwasser
Week 9 September 3-September 7: Fairy tales and Mythical creatures/
第1週 7/9~ 7/13: サーカス/ ピカソとシャガール
第2週 7/16~ 7/20: 音楽/ サイ・トゥオンブリー
第3週 7/23~ 7/27: エリック・カールのお話/ マティス
第4週 7/30~ 8/3: 風景と屋外スケッチ/ モネと印象派たち
第5週 8/6~ 8/10: 海と島/ 先住民族アート
第6週 8/13~ 8/17: パペット/ パウル・クレー
第7週 8/20~ 8/24: パブリックアート/ 壁画とバスキア
第8週 8/27~ 8/31: 街/ フンデルドヴァッサー
第9週 9/3~ 9/7: おとぎ話と神話の生き物
その他のご質問は tokyocreatorsisaac@gmail.com 又は 03-6416-3371 までお気軽にお問い合わせ下さい。
One of our goals is for your child to develop their interest in self study and play. Our creative and loving teachers provide them access to a wide range of activities and materials to be able to explore their self expressions and sense of wonder. We provide daily support with drawing, painting, molding, dance and music.
During their creative studies they will also have ample time to move their bodies and plenty of outdoor water play.